Hi, Nice to meet you!


Thank you kindly for this opportunity.


Now, let's get down to business.

I've created a space with examples of my recent work. You can click any item on the list below or scroll-on-through. The inside scoop? I created & designed my portfolio & landing page in WordPress, just for you!

Finally, I want to highlight my ongoing development in the digital realm. And I would like to give a big shout-out to Creative Mornings, HubSpot Academy & Adobe Max. Without platforms like these, it's easy for skills to become stale. I embrace continuous growth & taking advantage of these spaces is something I'm proud of and excited to share with you as well.

Brand Identity & Brand Hub

Welcome to Family Resource Center's little corner of the web, where all nine counties involved with the Strengthening Indiana Families Family Resource Centers (SIF) can grab what they need from their brand kit.

SIF has come a long way from just four counties; as they keep growing, we want to make sure everyone feels right at home with SIF's look and feel. It's not just about logos and colors; it's about sharing the same passion and promise of quality services for those who need them!

Here's a quick rundown of my strategy when developing a Brand Identity 

Nailing down the big-picture goals with the Brand Vision and Mission.

Creating the design elements in the logo. For SIF, the embrace symbolizes unity and support, while the heart represents love and care—core principles of our initiative.

Find the right colors. The SIF color palette is intentional and psychologically resonant. The blue stands for trust and dependability, green for growth and harmony, and the warmer tones of pink and orange for compassion and community.

The SIF brand kit is designed for flexibility across various media. Whether online, in print, or in-person, our visual identity remains consistent and recognizable, ensuring the message is clear and the community feels connected to the brand.

Focusing on emotional connection, the tagline, 'Kids don't come with instructions,' strikes at the heart of every caregiver's experience. It's a reminder that SIF is here to guide, support, and uplift families as they navigate the complexities of raising children, creating an immediate emotional connection with our audience.

SIF Web Brand-1
SIF Web Brand 2
SIF Web Brand 3
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Social Media Strategy

Social Media Strategy is more than just putting words on a page or images on a screen; it's about telling a story that captures hearts and minds, steering complex campaigns that not only reach but resonate with your target audience. I have provided an example of my designs and approach to strategic content funneling (see images to the left).

Initially, the process involves collecting insights about your target audience, identifying their pain points, and developing personas. Following this groundwork, a campaign strategy is crafted. Some different types of campaigns I have worked on are:

Awareness Campaigns, designed to increase brand visibility and introduce your brand to new audiences.

User-Generated Content (UGC) Campaigns, encourages your followers to create and share content related to your brand, using a specific hashtag.

Educational Campaigns, shares valuable information related to your industry, products, or services.

Behind-the-Scenes Campaigns, offers a glimpse into the inner workings of your brand, showcasing your team, production process, or day-to-day operations.

Customer Testimonial and Success Story Campaigns, highlights the experiences of satisfied customers or successful projects to build trust and credibility.

Video Story Telling

Reimagine the power of your brand. I understand the importance of incorporating video into your digital marketing efforts to create compelling and cohesive brand stories, design effective marketing materials, and develop social content that effectively promotes your mission and drives engagement with your audience.

Reels & Shorts

Here is an example of a reel, that was distributed throughout social media platforms.

Story Telling

Here's an example of a narrative-driven video that is featured on a website.

Reels & Shorts

Here's a sample of a reel we shared across social media channels and through paid advertising campaigns.

Email Marketing

In my journey through the digital marketing landscape, I've gained extensive experience with email marketing and customer relationship management (CRM) tools, including HubSpot, Mailchimp, Keap, and Constant Contact. These platforms have been instrumental in crafting targeted, effective communication strategies that resonate with diverse audiences.

An example of my designs and writing sample is showcased (see images to the right) in an email from our nurture campaign. This particular email was delivered following our training workshop, aimed at best marketing practices among SIF coordinators. This campaign involves the development of a drip campaign designed to engage, inform, and motivate.

Another example is from SLB Insurance Group; I recently created and designed a highly effective drip campaign with insights from CRM analytics that reached over 30,000 users. This strategic approach enabled us to create a sequence that not only elevated deliverability rates but also significantly amplified our click-through rate (CTR). Examples: Email 1,  Email 2,  Email 3.

Click the link below to view my design and writing samples along with the detailed starting process, on a Figma board. 

SIF Email CP
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Design For Print & Data Storytelling

The way this report is put together highlights the real-world impact these Family Resource Centers have on the community. It shows us that smart design in how we tell stories with data help people grasp and value the information more deeply.

From January 2021 through April 2022, the Strengthening Indiana Families Family Resource Centers had over 5,785 visits, with over 650 unique families visiting the centers.

Upon intake, families are asked where they found out about the centers 19.7% of the families selected the Kid’s Don’t Come With Instructions Macro Marketing Campaign. This was second to word of mouth at 38.6%. To learn more about how we support the SIF Family Resource Centers, check out the SIF Mid-Project Report.

Thank you.

Lastly, I want to express my gratitude for all the hard work you and your team put in & for the incredible community you've built. Thanks again for the opportunity!